Welcome to HeliVibe Training and Consultancy

HeliVibe is uniquely capable of providing experienced specialist helicopter specific advice and support on Health and Usage Monitoring to fully understand transmission vibration analysis and rotor track and balance. From basic vibration analysis and RTB, through to advanced Transmission Vibration analysis, HeliVibe can provide a range of services to suit your needs.


HeliVibe vibration analysis and RTB experience gained over 40 years across multiple helicopter types, operating both civil and military missions onshore and offshore, has put us in the perfect position to make your HUMS Programme as simple as it can be for you, whilst at the same time providing you with the benefit of all our experience. Whether it be advice on HUMS issues, or acting as your HUMS manager, HeliVibe is able to provide a solution to meet your requirements and that meets the HeliOffshore HUMS Recommended Practice and IOGP 690 guidelines.


Unlike some suppliers, HeliVibe does not provide different levels of service such as Gold, Silver, Standard etc. Regardless of their requirements, HeliVibe provides the same high standard of service to all our customers.


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Copyright © 2024 HeliVibe Training and Consultancy Ltd, Registered in England and Wales No.10267608 Registered Office, Union House, 111 New Union Street, Coventry, CV1 2NT, United Kingdom.

VAT No. 259 8790 36

The HeliVibe Logo is a registered trademark of HeliVibe Training and Consultancy Ltd.